Thursday, March 25, 2010


i's been a while...i've been doing some self-inventory lately...realize that the atlas has some weight that needs to be released..for his own sake. i got admitted into the MA at purdue to defend my MA thesis...i'm happy and i'm scared...i want to do this one right. and it seems that i've been changing since that acceptance letter came in. friends are departing to do their careers and i've finally figured out what i'm destined to do: i'm supposed to be a professor and an artist and i'm willing to embrace it now. after all this time, i want to embrace the tower that i long sounds so southern--dealing with irreparable contradictions...but fuck, i am southern :)... i'm glad that i can renew myself again...left a poem for you at the end..yall take care and no, i won't be a stranger any longer..


what a privilege and a blessing it is. to think. go beyond the cave and see the light outside. plato can keep his sunglasses. i want to squint. i want to feel the warmth of the sun beating against me like kunta. fiddling my mind on the hot tin roof with lou gossett, running alongside clotel. i see that my mind is complex and whimsical—like an intellectual jezebel…but this alchemy is what composes me into me. because I’m thinking. i’m pondering the reasonable and the irresponsible…the insane and the conservative. there is constant spinning in this zone, in all directions: squares tri angluating into circles and which circle i fall into? it depends on dante as my guide… or was it jesus or muhammad? … but like i said ..i’m thinking…starting to think again.. the cosmopolitan intellectual is waking up from his dry spell… his hangover of antisocial shots to the head vodka cranberry with a splash of hemingway lime …damn it takes sublime like a cuba libre… and libre is such a good thing to be…. just need to stay alive a lil longer…. got to smell the roses –even the dead ones