Saturday, January 23, 2010
I know that its been a lil while...but i just got a full-time job. (thanks God.) I love the people that I work with. I love the driving and interacting with people. I have a lot in my head to expound on but so lil time as of now..but I was in the mood to post some of my oldies during my oxford days--so here it goes.....
my southern (un)comfort
walkin' along lush trees lynch GREEN-- while listening to al Green..
wonderin' how time slips away in the New Orleans nights while
Andrew Jackson battles against Katrina and government racism by FEMA
and every New Deal that deals us out like playin' cards at the Bush Binion,
winnin' like Gold and Moneymaker--cashin in like King Cotton:
Ride on King Cotton---No man can not hinder thee..
Ride on King Cotton ride on no man can not hinder thee...
No man can not hinder thee....
No man can not hinder thee...
No man..
blind belligerent bastards of capitalism--but I---
I see you--- conflicted son-of-a bitch...
confused and fatherless postbellum,
miscegenated with the bloods of lost poets and singers and killers and
bastardized heroes tainted by the stars and bars and claws
of raven-black jim crow furthermore...
I see you my child... walkin' along the country fields and city lights in
starless midnights of an ominous peace and a serene dead debauchery that
time and southern comfort can't comfort:
WOUNDS that years months and seconds can't stitch--
TEARS...rivers can't meander to the delta of forgetfulness...
BODIES confederates can't raise--unionites can't burn--and americans can't ignore with their i-pods...
SOULS that tradition can't appease or destroy with its money or alphabet....
on this lonely southern night, i walk on the roads of a forgotten conscious and see the new plots for our immortal grove of amnesia: our Beloved Dead--our new covered masses: they may as well be the phantoms that they've feared their whole lives. let us honor our Beloved Living Southern Gentlemen and Women....
for my South--
our South--
this new South--
will Never Rise at all..
living history dies in monuments....
angry black man
wallkin' in the rain...
this nappy afrogeriperm with twists phantoms the sidewalks..
slicing out your minds and not your wrists 'cuz that's the easy way out to the back and not to the front of the widening road of destructing uncle jemina and aunt ben in the fields of corporate american metropolis....
boss, i's be fuckin' this bullshit status quo
my ful bright eyes can see the world clearer
than any ozark smokin' that bark or maybe those that only inhaled--
cheated themselves of separating from the mainstream of compassionate conservative warhawks who dip themselves in the gourd of
foreign blood and gold water--who claim themselves as the mighty Right..
I use my Right to cleanse myself
daily from such propagandic build-up...
collecting my daily deaths under my
friendly fiery strokes of consciousness--
my consciousness --letting
me know that I am one of protoclay models of complicated
motherfuckers who drink from the Mississippi like a dog--
carrying my trumpet wielding a blue in bitches brew that is
hopefully more than any white Bulldog, Rebel, and Trojan can chew...
oxford southern,
uncomfort black
Friday, January 8, 2010
liquorettes (light and dark types of thought that keep the world drinking, mellowing, and bubbling)

my first original bottle of liquorettes: i originally wrote these haikus at the 'loo years ago...
but don't worry, i plan on restocking my supply. drink up.
closing eyes on pure
light brings daggers closely...
quickly as the night
quickness of one's past,
oblivion of one's day
lies in a mere shot
the everclearness
of life is to swallow the
clear and feel the burn.
slow rivers that
flow from inner lakes to the
delta of your eyes.
sober hearts and drunk
minds tend to make the walk-me-
down to mere failure.
insanity has
its sanity through
mere variety.
by what means is it
necessary to call war
against your own self?
the glory of a
victory lies in the
failure it grew from.
how many of us
would sell out america
for thirty pieces?
freewriting hope
hope can be a dangerous thing
those who do not have...
i hope that in 2010 we can
at least respect one another:
with all due respect
your political kind has LIED to us
since emancipation reconstruction deconstruction: 19th and 21st century.
don't give the others a free pass,
the great society has passed us by...
the days of camelot are over..
chivalry is dead and
we have TOWERS sprouting to prove it.
towers sprouting.....
towers (are) sprouting....
( ashes ashes )
towers failing...
towers (are) failing....
( ashes ashes )
towers falling....
towers (are) falling....
( ashes ashes )
they say
that we are the generation of hope...
how much hope do we have left?
hey america,
are we hoping hopelessness?
can the hopeless hope?
hope can be a dangerous thing
those who do not have...
i hope that in 2010 we can
at least respect one another:
with all due respect
your political kind has LIED to us
since emancipation reconstruction deconstruction: 19th and 21st century.
don't give the others a free pass,
the great society has passed us by...
the days of camelot are over..
chivalry is dead and
we have TOWERS sprouting to prove it.
towers sprouting.....
towers (are) sprouting....
( ashes ashes )
towers failing...
towers (are) failing....
( ashes ashes )
towers falling....
towers (are) falling....
( ashes ashes )
they say
that we are the generation of hope...
how much hope do we have left?
hey america,
are we hoping hopelessness?
can the hopeless hope?
Snow Writing
what a beautiful gray rose it is.
be the fading figure in the definite.
no. i can't.
my passion to fight
keeps me alive,
living one day longer
one day longer
to take one more red brick,
for the double tinted windows
of master narratives
and see the sun one more time.
i have burdens to bear in the present--
my present for the future
to behold to appreciate not scold.
my path will soon be an old labyrinth
for others to postulate
my time will be the new nostalgia
for others to commemorate
so lets make it good while i can.
embrace the thoughts solitaire.
then share.
snow writing with no dwarves...
be the fading figure in the definite.
no. i can't.
my passion to fight
keeps me alive,
living one day longer
one day longer
to take one more red brick,
for the double tinted windows
of master narratives
and see the sun one more time.
i have burdens to bear in the present--
my present for the future
to behold to appreciate not scold.
my path will soon be an old labyrinth
for others to postulate
my time will be the new nostalgia
for others to commemorate
so lets make it good while i can.
embrace the thoughts solitaire.
then share.
snow writing with no dwarves...

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Welcome to New Beginnings....
i guess that this moment has been a long time coming.
perhaps i've been hesitant to doing this...
but this is a new year...
a year of new ages...
turned 27 as of the 4th of this month...
a year of new paths and new beginnings....
atlas is ready to emerge from hibernation
and to carry his weight of the heavens once again...
born and raised in the underrated state of mississippi, i can claim with an element of pride..i'm out here in the midwestern state of indiana for school at purdue and to broaden my mental horizons as well as my wine selection...but that's another post in itself...
a little about myself..i got my BA degree in english from tougaloo college, a small hbcu, in 2005. i love poetry: written and performance, music (wide variety from classic to big band to rap to some rock), dancing, and sports...
i love my family and God (despite our tiffs--hey! who say family don't fight sometime?)...always open-minded to learning something new about this world...
lately, i've been looking at old poems, writings, and remnants from my past...just reflecting and being pensive....i do this on occasion...i'd admit that i don't do this enough...the world is too much with us...and this year, i need to let some of the world go from has caused me too much pain ever clearly....the tears are always 80 proof...
may this year be the beginning where i can filter some of the burn...©
Copyrights of pic and silhouette go to Aaron McGruder and his work The Boondocks

perhaps i've been hesitant to doing this...
but this is a new year...
a year of new ages...
turned 27 as of the 4th of this month...
a year of new paths and new beginnings....
atlas is ready to emerge from hibernation
and to carry his weight of the heavens once again...
born and raised in the underrated state of mississippi, i can claim with an element of pride..i'm out here in the midwestern state of indiana for school at purdue and to broaden my mental horizons as well as my wine selection...but that's another post in itself...
a little about myself..i got my BA degree in english from tougaloo college, a small hbcu, in 2005. i love poetry: written and performance, music (wide variety from classic to big band to rap to some rock), dancing, and sports...
i love my family and God (despite our tiffs--hey! who say family don't fight sometime?)...always open-minded to learning something new about this world...
lately, i've been looking at old poems, writings, and remnants from my past...just reflecting and being pensive....i do this on occasion...i'd admit that i don't do this enough...the world is too much with us...and this year, i need to let some of the world go from has caused me too much pain ever clearly....the tears are always 80 proof...
may this year be the beginning where i can filter some of the burn...©
Copyrights of pic and silhouette go to Aaron McGruder and his work The Boondocks

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