perhaps i've been hesitant to doing this...
but this is a new year...
a year of new ages...
turned 27 as of the 4th of this month...
a year of new paths and new beginnings....
atlas is ready to emerge from hibernation
and to carry his weight of the heavens once again...
born and raised in the underrated state of mississippi, i can claim with an element of pride..i'm out here in the midwestern state of indiana for school at purdue and to broaden my mental horizons as well as my wine selection...but that's another post in itself...
a little about myself..i got my BA degree in english from tougaloo college, a small hbcu, in 2005. i love poetry: written and performance, music (wide variety from classic to big band to rap to some rock), dancing, and sports...
i love my family and God (despite our tiffs--hey! who say family don't fight sometime?)...always open-minded to learning something new about this world...
lately, i've been looking at old poems, writings, and remnants from my past...just reflecting and being pensive....i do this on occasion...i'd admit that i don't do this enough...the world is too much with us...and this year, i need to let some of the world go from has caused me too much pain ever clearly....the tears are always 80 proof...
may this year be the beginning where i can filter some of the burn...©
Copyrights of pic and silhouette go to Aaron McGruder and his work The Boondocks

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