Friday, January 8, 2010

freewriting hope


hope can be a dangerous thing
those who do not have...

i hope that in 2010 we can
at least respect one another:


with all due respect
your political kind has LIED to us
since emancipation reconstruction deconstruction: 19th and 21st century.

don't give the others a free pass,
the great society has passed us by...

the days of camelot are over..

chivalry is dead and
we have TOWERS sprouting to prove it.

towers sprouting.....
towers (are) sprouting....
( ashes ashes )

towers failing...
towers (are) failing....

( ashes ashes )

towers falling....
towers (are) falling....

( ashes ashes )

they say
that we are the generation of hope...

how much hope do we have left?

hey america,
are we hoping hopelessness?

can the hopeless hope?

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