Tuesday, June 22, 2010

knowledge: element #5 on the hip hop periodic table

a rapper’s delight is to make the real metaphysical…the metaphysical real…

reinventing the english word
into this psychedelic    street      funk…

sixteen bars of illuminating scriptures hanging from the tree of knowledge
rooted from the cement bricks of Bronxbuildings
with the bullet-ridden windows…

communities abandoned by governments
who wanted our colored vote to gentrify us …
but yet we rebuilt and recreated beauty from the rubble and shit they left us in…

we stand boldly and defiantly because we survived with a vengeance…
we are the 3rd wave of the renaissance…
the empirical derivative of funk soul r&b jazz  destined to destroy and rebuild our blackness once again…

we stand boldly like bad mothas ‘cause it is not about us and those flashin’ lights…
its about preserving our knowledge of self    our history     our love    our pain    our virtues  our sins…

afrika said that without knowledge   the center cannot hold...  
the record cannot be scratched…
the hieroglyphics cannot emerge from the city walls
the beboys cannot break it down (deconstructing them shits   AND ) 
the stylists cannot be free to express the allure of

failure…. the metanarrative of a beautiful grotesque that is black…

we have written this history so sincere without using a pen..
so lets begin… 
BEGIN the work that  langston said..

fuck the autotune…

we can create a lifetime of work from        our experience                   our knowledge          our    road

of enlightment that has many paths and graves
but I have carried hip hop with me along the way…

it is not my bible per say just my small pocketbook given to me by the Gideons on the way,
so drive slow and maybe you’ll understand that the beauty of hip hop is in

the split

the dichotomy

the alias…

we hear KRS1   tupac   biggie    jay-z     nas    lil-wayne….
superficial alter ego bad men who are aboveground        but

what is their underground name?

what is their real name?


do you think
about me
now and then…
do you think
about me
now and then…

cause i’m
right now..  


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