Tuesday, June 22, 2010

retrospect: to my favorite music teacher... dr. joseph agee...

oh    oh     oh     lawd…       give us a song
    so    our     voices     may     be       joyfully      heard

                                oh oh oh lawd                              give us a song…

as we see the glorioussplendor majesty that overshadows
      the tragedy on this pilgrim journey which is never a line but a spiral
                  of living                    dying                              resurrecting ….

                                 while drawin  our sword and shield
                                         while drawin our sword and shield
                                               while drawin our sword and shield

                    while drawing all men unto Him  by our willingness to fight and suffer and cry….

                                                   for all is well in our soul when we cry…
                                            because the tears will be wiped away in his time…

               grab gideon’s trumpet and blow down all of the enemies and edifices before us.....

play our trumpets and cymbals and harps and lyres
and smoothe their angry ways with stringed instruments…stringed in
                                                                                                          o      r      g    a    n     s…

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